I became agnostic and then atheist because there simply isn't any solid evidence that a god exists. He or "it" doesn't seem to interact with our world as we don't have any sound evidence of god interfering in world events and we have no way to reliably test or prove his existence. All we seem to have are ancient writings that deal with the idea of god and his alleged interactions with his chosen people in the Bible. Yet, scholars show that the Bible has changed quite a bit and we don't even have any...ANY...of the original manuscripts, only old copies that are much older than the originals.
Even if the Bible hasn't changed drastically in meaning from what its original authors intended, why should we take their word for it? Because they are telling us they saw supernatural events? Because they allegedly spoke with God himself? Again, there is no way to prove that this is true other than by taking their word for it; this is not belief based on sound evidence, and is subject to much scrutiny and leaves many unanswered questions.